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首页 > 供应产品 > 美国ABB 3HAC022191-001
美国ABB 3HAC022191-001
产品: 浏览次数:0美国ABB 3HAC022191-001 
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-10-23
 美国ABB 3HAC022191-001

美国ABB 3HAC022191-001

美国ABB 3HAC022191-001




独具工业自动化产品进出口权,专业致力于世界**品质伺服驱动器与电机及模块的进出口业务,长年为广大用户提供全球工业自动化产品代购服务!专注纸厂、电厂、钢厂、石化、印刷等大型企业DCS控制系统模块与伺服驱动器等备件!如:1、FANUC发那科伺服驱动器!2、美国FOXBORO伺服及模块等!3、Bosch Rexroth力士乐伺服控制器!4、德国西门子SIEMENS 伺服驱动器与模块及停产备件! 5、霍尼韦尔Honeywell,莫迪康MODICON、日立HITACHI伺服驱动器、YASKAWA机器人,ABB机器人备件中国**齐报价**准**及时。








ABB IRB 580是高柔性、高精度、高成本效益的喷涂机器人系统。

IRB 580 对540和5400机器人的补充使之成为完整系列,其蕴含的精益求精理念自1969年起就为客户所信赖。

高精度始终是我们追求的首要目标,也是我们全球**的喷涂机器人的共同特征。IRB 580则使这种精度优势更上一层楼,将紧凑的设计与IRB 5400系列的**功能完**融合于一体。

中空手腕式IRB 580是一款紧凑、高速、精确的喷涂机器人,能大幅提高作业精度和生产效率。有两个版本供选择:




3HAB9717-2 Front Plate NA+servo disc

3HAB9734-1 Segment

3HAB9743-1 Multipole con. X1-X4 16p

3HAB9764-1 16p. connector female

3HAB9780-1 Lower arm machining

3HAB9821-1 Washer——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAB9856-1 Bearing Support

3HAB9863-1 Fuse label

3HAB9879-1 Bridge A82.X10

3HAB9882-1 Earth connection

3HAB9894-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9895-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9896-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9897-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9898-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9899-1 User's Guide Arcitec

3HAB9900-1 RAPID Ref. Man. Arcitec

3HAB9913-1 Lower arm spray——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAB9958-1 link customer connection

3HAB9990-1 Sealing washer

3HAC0001-1 Bracket

3HAC0035-1 Ethernet cable cross-over

3HAC0035-4 Ethernet cable

3HAC0037-1 Cable protection

3HAC0048-1 Cover

3HAC0050-1 metall Film Resistor

3HAC0053-1 Multip. connect. X8,X9 4p

3HAC0055-3 Attachment plate

3HAC0081-1 Safety stop,ax2

3HAC0095-1 Bushings Grommets

3HAC0104-1 Plate Service outlet

3HAC0110-1 Back-up washer——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC0127-1 Air ventilation plug

3HAC0129-1 Switch for customer

3HAC0155-1 Connections box axes 5-6

3HAC0163-1 Dismounting Tool

3HAC0181-1 Sync. tools, ax.1

3HAC0199-1 Washer——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC0200-1 CAN bus cableI I/O 1-2

3HAC020021-001 SpotPack harness upper arm

3HAC020031-001 Proc cable package 3-6 SW

3HAC020046-001 Weld timer Medar single

3HAC020046-003 Weld timer Medar mfdc

3HAC020079-001 DSQC 623 Main computer board

3HAC020098-001 Guiding plate ax2 IRB6650S

3HAC020105-001 Battery holder

3HAC020108-001 Filter unit

3HAC020109-001 7:th axis, serial cable

3HAC020113-001 Attachment plate switch ax 2

3HAC020122-001 Attachment plate

3HAC020123-001 Sealing axis 2/3

3HAC020126-001 Customer Harness ax1-3 MH Ext

3HAC020128-001 Cable harness ddu

3HAC020129-003 Lower arm

3HAC020131-001 Pinion——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020136-004 frame, machining

3HAC020144-001 Servo Power cable,  upper arm

3HAC020146-001 Servo Signal cable,  upper arm

3HAC020151-001 Filter unit DSQC387

3HAC020155-001 CP/CS/CBUS, Proc 1 axis 6

3HAC020170-001 CP/CS alt. CBUS  Connection kit

3HAC020174-001 Process Cable Package

3HAC020179-001 Customer Harness ax1-3 MH Std

3HAC020209-001 Installation and Commissioning Manual

3HAC020210-001 Maintenance Manual

3HAC020211-001 Repair Manual

3HAC020273-001 Process Cable Package

3HAC020285-001 Swinghandle——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020286-002 Harness CP/CS/CANBUS 15m.

3HAC020295-001 Bracket

3HAC020303-001 Customer Harness ax1-3 MH Std, long

3HAC020304-001 Customer Harness ax1-3 MH Ext, long

3HAC020330-001 Proc cable package 3-6 SW

3HAC020332-003 frame shelf, machining

3HAC020343-001 Process Cable Package

3HAC020345-001 Process Cable Package

3HAC020386-001 Lifting acc.RV 2

3HAC020397-001 baseWare option Bosch v24 interface

3HAC020398-001 baseWare option Electr. linked Motors

3HAC020399-001 baseWare option TestSignalViewer

3HAC020408-001 CD documentation IRB 6600/6650

3HAC020410-001 CD documentation IRB 7600

3HAC020412-001 CD documentation IRB 4400——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020413-001 CD documentation IRB 2400

3HAC020414-001 CD documentation IRB 1400 M2000A

3HAC020415-001 CD documentation IRB 140 M2000A

3HAC020426-002 Installation IRB140 M2000

3HAC020426-006 Installation IRB140 M2000

3HAC020426-008 Installation IRB140 M2000

3HAC020426-009 Installation IRB140 M2000

3HAC020428-002 Maintenance IRB140 M2000

3HAC020428-006 Maintenance IRB140 M2000

3HAC020428-008 Maintenance IRB140 M2000

3HAC020428-009 Maintenance IRB140 M2000

3HAC020429-002 Repair 1-2 IRB140 M2000——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020429-006 Repair 1-2 IRB140 M2000

3HAC020429-008 Repair 1-2 IRB140 M2000

3HAC020429-009 Repair 1-2 IRB140 M2000

3HAC020434-001 AM - Engineering tools

3HAC020435-001 AM - Robot com. & I/O control

3HAC020436-001 AM - Servo motor control

3HAC020447-001 7th axis, serial cable

3HAC020464-001 DSQC 625 Computer power supply

3HAC020466-001 Drive system power supply ext.

3HAC020486-001 Pinion Z3 / 4,5

3HAC020487-001 Gear Z4 / 5

3HAC020500-001 Process Cable Package

3HAC020505-003 Lower arm

3HAC020507-001 L.arm cable protection, IRB6650

3HAC020529-002 Chip Protection IRB6600

3HAC020529-008 Chip & Dust Protection IRB 6600 225kg

3HAC020533-002 Viper lower tool

3HAC020537-001 Washer——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020540-001 Lifting tool (chain), Balancing device

3HAC020541-001 Cable jib extra power sup.

3HAC020549-001 Proc. cable package ax. 3-6 pneumatic SW

3HAC020552-002 Calibration plate

3HAC020562-001 Fastening plate SMB

3HAC020578-001 1Harn-Comp.com./Panelboard

3HAC020579-001 Harness-Rectifier / Drive unit

3HAC020580-001 Harness-Computer Unit/GTPU

3HAC020581-001 Harness-Fan unit internal

3HAC020584-001 Demounting tool RV axle 2

3HAC020586-001 Harness-Panel board/GTPU

3HAC020587-001 Harness-Control panel 3-pos.

3HAC020590-001 Harness-Rectifier/Bleeder

3HAC020591-001 Harness-Axis board/XS2——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020595-001 Harness-T1/F1,F2/Power supply

3HAC020597-001 Harness-DSQC 604/Panel board

3HAC020598-001 Harness-USB Front/ Computer

3HAC020602-001 Harn-Axis Comp./Cont. b.

3HAC020603-001 Harness-Axis comp/Drive

3HAC020607-001 Harness-Drive u./External axis u.

3HAC020608-001 Harness-Rectifier / Capacitor

3HAC020611-001 Warning label

3HAC020618-001 Harness-Drive unit/Fan unit

3HAC020619-001 Set of shims Z3 / 4,5

3HAC020630-001 Serial measurement unit——中海德工业设备年底库存甩卖

3HAC020633-001 Panel board DSQC 630

3HAC020643-001 Harness-Bridge connector for contactor

3HAC020645-001 Bridge connector / panel board

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